Pravobraniteljica na otvaranju Konferencije o osnaživanju žena

tascoconfPravobraniteljica za ravnopravnost spolova Višnja Ljubičić pozdravnim je govorom otvorila međunarodnu konferenciju ˝Civil Society Facility (CSF): Partnership Actions – Empowerment of Woman in Western Balkans and Turkey˝ koja je održana u Zagrebu u organizaciji Europske komisije i TACSO ureda u Hrvatskoj. Sudionike/ce su pozdravili i Paolo Berizzi, zamjenik voditelja Delegacije Europske unije, Helena Štimac Radin iz Ureda za ravnopravnost spolova i Igor Vidačak iz Ureda za udruge. Ukupno je predstavljeno 11 projekata od kojih će se 3 provoditi u Hrvatskoj. Među nositeljima/icama projekata su i 2 udruge iz Zagreba, GTF-Regional Center for Gender Equality i B.a.B.e.



Teme projekata se odnose na jačanje civilnoga društva za promociju rodnih politika na lokalnoj razini u zemljama zapadnog Balkana; poticanje uobičajene prakse za povećanje sudjelovanja ruralnih žena u razvoju i upravljanju lokalnom zajednicom; kampanja osnaživanja Romkinja; jačanje kapaciteta i umrežavanja zaposlenih žena na zapadnom Balkanu posebice mladih žena za praćenje obveza vlade iz ravnopravnosti spolova; ekonomsko nasilje nad ženama u vezama te osnaživanje žena u ruralnom društvu. Cjelokupni proračun za ovaj program iznosi 1,650.000 €, a projekti traju najviše dvije godine.


Pozdravni govor pravobraniteljice za ravnopravnost spolova na međunarodnoj promotivnoj konferenciji projekata o osnaživanju žena  u zemljama zapadnog Balkana i Turskoj 

Conference „Western Balkans and Turkey,
Civil Society Facility (CSF): Partnership Actions”
Empowerment of Women


I wish good morning to all conference participants and I thank the organizers for the invitation to participate in this Conference where the civil society organizations will present their projects for the empowerment of women which I consider the essential foundation for the achievement of the full gender equality in all venues of public and private life.

The Gender Equality Act of the Republic of Croatia defines gender equality as equal presence of women and men in all segments of public and private life, their equal status, equal access to all rights and equal benefits from achieved results. Although many international documents emphasize that the social justice and truly democratic society cannot be achieved without gender equality, men and women are still NOT equally present in all segments of public and private life, do NOT have the same status or same possibilities for achieving all rights and do NOT have the same benefits from the results they achieved.

As far as the status of women is concerned, there are differences from one country to another which depend on economic, social, cultural and political situation in every particular country. If we speak about Croatia, and according to my knowledge, a similar situation is in all the countries that will be spoken about here today, women still have many problems in getting a job, their jobs are more insecure, they are more often sexually harassed at work, they are the majority of victims of domestic violence and underrepresented in decision making bodies on local and national level. The vulnerable group consists of women who suffer multiple discrimination, meaning they are discriminated against as women, on the basis of their sex, but also on other basis, for example as women with disabilities, or members of ethnic groups or just because they do not live in towns but in rural areas. Rural women are almost invisible.

Because of this specific status of women, the promotion of the principles of gender equality might seem as biased protection of women exclusively, which is not true. It is important to underline that gender equality will not be achieved without determination and persistence in implementation of the gender equality principles in all areas of public and private life. And let's not forget that society consists of men and women and gender equality requires participation and engagement of both sexes.

Gender discrimination will not be achieved by itself. It is unrealistic to expect that time will make the necessary change on its own. We must not forget that promotion of gender equality is often opposed because it requires structural changes within society, as well as personal changes of every individual.

Besides legislative framework, and efficient implementation of gender policy and raising public awareness, it is necessary to empower women. The responsibility lies on the state and local and national level bodies, but the role of the civil social organizations must be recognized and their efforts and networking supported for the benefit of us all.

Thank you!